Session 7.06 for February 8, 2015
Jesus came to this earth, in part, to show us how to live our lives well on this earth. In today's text, we find Jesus leaving his work to go and replenish himself spiritually. It is refreshing to discover that even Jesus needed to take time to replenish himself. We also see Jesus finding his worth in more than his work. Jesus knows that his worth comes from somewhere other than what he does and when we strive to live as he did we are called find our worth in God, rather than in the work that we do.
Bible Background Video
featuring Nikki Hardeman
Scripture: Mark 1:29-39
Session Pages
FaithElement offers several flavors of Bible study, all based on the same scripture passage for the day. Click on an approach to download the PDF of that session page.
These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:
“Like a Girl”
Nurturing Faith