Session 5.29 for July 21, 2013
Colossians 1:15-29 is a rich and thick passage written to a church trying to focus on God on the midst of a culture full of false teachings and distractions. Our churches today are still trying to focus on God in the midst of a culture full of distractions, temptations, and misguided ideas. As Christians, ancient and modern, we are reminded that God is about the work of reconciliation. God provides us grace, and we are called to allow God’s grace to be evident in our lives.
Bible Background Video featuring Nikki Hardeman
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Scripture: Colossians 1:15-29
Session Pages
FaithElement offers several flavors of Bible study, all based on the same scripture passage for the day. Click on an approach to download the PDF of that session page.
These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:
Creating the World
Nothing but the Horizon
In Christ Alone
Jesus and the Church
Not Easily Broken
“Soon Love Soon” by Vienna Teng
Nurturing Faith