Session 5.45 for November 10, 2013
This week we continue our look at some of the shorter prophetic books in the book of Haggai. Haggai prophesied to the Israelites who had returned from exile in Babylon to a completely destroyed Judah. As they worked to rebuild their lives, their priorities were out of line — instead of putting their energy into rebuilding the house of God and focusing on the one who brought them out of Exile, they focused on o building their own houses. Haggai assures them that if they get their priorities in line, they will feel more at ease about their particular situation.
Bible Background Video
featuring Nikki Hardeman
To toggle between the hi-def and standard-def versions, click the "HD" on the video.
Scripture: Haggai 1:15b-2:9
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These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:
How Will History Remember You?
“Sam’s Speech from the Two Towers”
Nurturing Faith