Session 4.37 for September 9, 2012
The book of Proverbs contain timeless nuggets of wisdom. Some of the bits of wisdom are straightforward while others are more enigmatic. Overall, these verses show us how we can be wiser with our choices and make God the center of our lives.
Bible Background Video
featuring Nikki Hardeman
To toggle between the hi-def and standard-def versions, click the "HD" on the video.
Scripture: Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23
Session Pages
FaithElement offers several flavors of Bible study, all based on the same scripture passage for the day. Click on an approach to download the PDF of that session page.
These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:
Natural State is Freedom
Granny Games
Fluffy Prize
"Mama Says", Footloose