Striving Toward Unity

Session 4.32 for August 5, 2012

In our churches and groups, we come together often to talk about God and faith. We know that being part of a community is an important part of the Christian faith. In Ephesians, Paul reminds us that this community can be messy and difficult. This community is still, however, vital to our growth. We have different talents, beliefs, opinions, and ideas. Sometimes, we are going to clash with each other, and it might not be pretty. Part of living in community means embracing others just as they are and understanding that differences are part of what makes God’s community so rich.


Bible Background Video

featuring Nikki Hardeman

To toggle between the hi-def and standard-def versions, click the "HD" on the video.


FaithElement Bible Background 4.32 from FaithElement | FaithLab on Vimeo.


Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16


Session Pages

FaithElement offers several flavors of Bible study, all based on the same scripture passage for the day. Click on an approach to download the PDF of that session page.








These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:


He Was All of Us
Superhero Speech
We Fixed Each Other


God Grew Tired Of Us

Nurturing Faith
