Session 4.47 for November 18, 2012
In Mark 13:1-8, we hear Jesus speaking to the disciples about the end of the world. Often, we hear this text as a guide for how to recognize the end of the world. Or, we just dismiss Jesus’ words as something that does not happen to us. One message is clear, though. Jesus is reminding the disciples not to put their faith in temples, buildings, and stones. These things, while seemingly solid, are still fleeting and temporary in light of the power and permanence of God. Today, we put our faith and attention in so many things that we take for granted as a permanent part of life – technology, cars, electricity, our church buildings, even our families and friends. Yet, Jesus reminds us that even the strongest human built foundation is fleeting in comparison to God’s permanence.
Bible Background Video
featuring Nikki Hardeman
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Scripture: Mark 13:1-8
Session Pages
FaithElement offers several flavors of Bible study, all based on the same scripture passage for the day. Click on an approach to download the PDF of that session page.
These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:
Rule #15
Literal Music Video
We Love the Wall
Nurturing Faith