
Session 4.21 for May 20, 2012

Jesus reminds the disciples in Acts 1:1-11 that it is not up to them to know the when and what of God’s plan but that they must wait for the Holy Spirit to guide them. Waiting. It can be just as hard for us today and it was for the first disciples. We are anxious for knowledge, desperate for even a small glimmer of what is to come. Waiting for God to answer us can be excruciating in our world of instant gratification.


Bible Background Video

featuring Nikki Hardeman

To toggle between the hi-def and standard-def versions, click the "HD" on the video.

Scripture: Acts 1:1-11


Session Pages

FaithElement offers several flavors of Bible study, all based on the same scripture passage for the day. Click on an approach to download the PDF of that session page.








These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:


“More Power To Ya” - Petra
"In Waiting" - Daniel Bailey
“Heinz Catsup Commercial 1”
“Heinz Catsup Commercial 2”
“Heinz Catsup Commercial 3”
“The Waiting is the Hardest Part” – Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers



John Mayer
Willy Wonka
Karate Kid

Nurturing Faith



Session 4.20 for May 13, 2011

Last week, we read about the story of an Ethiopian Eunuch who, despite the current religious sanctions, was accepted and baptized in the name of Christ.  For the early readers, inviting a Eunuch to join the Kingdom of God would have been a powerful statement about the inclusion of all people in the Kingdom.  In Acts 10:44-48, we see this statement taken even further as the Holy Spirit is evident among the Gentiles, a group of people who were not supposed to be part of the religious “in” crowd.”  Peter sees this stirring of the Spirit and accepts them, baptizing them in the name of Christ.  This passage reminds us that God works in surprising ways – calling and sending those who we would might deem “unclean.”


Bible Background Video

featuring Nikki Hardeman

To toggle between the hi-def and standard-def versions, click the "HD" on the video.


Scripture: Acts 10:44-48


Session Pages

FaithElement offers several flavors of Bible study, all based on the same scripture passage for the day. Click on an approach to download the PDF of that session page.








These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:


Paper Doll Template



 “Startin’ Monday” - Terry Taylor
“The Best of the Soup Nazi” – Seinfeld
“I Think I’m An All Right Guy” - Todd Snider
“Hide the Beer, The Pastor’s Here” - Terry Taylor


“An Incredible Surprise Proposal”
“I Am” by Nichole Nordeman



Gridiron Gang
Amazing Grace


Nurturing Faith



What Prevents Me?

Session 4.19 for May 6, 2012

In Acts 8:26-40, we read about the story of an Ethiopian Eunuch who, despite the current religious sanctions about “who’s in and who’s out,” was accepted and baptized in the name of Christ.  For the early readers, inviting a Eunuch to join the Kingdom of God would have been a powerful statement about the inclusion of all people in the Kingdom.  For the Eunuch, it took bravery to ask the question, “What prevents me from being part of this Kingdom?”  This story reminds us of the inherent inclusion of the Gospel.  It reminds us that we, too, can be bold like Philip and the Eunuch, boldly stepping forward to claim our faith no matter what dirt and grime clings to our own heart.


Bible Background Video

featuring Nikki Hardeman

To toggle between the hi-def and standard-def versions, click the "HD" on the video.

Scripture: Acts 8:26-40


Session Pages

FaithElement offers several flavors of Bible study, all based on the same scripture passage for the day. Click on an approach to download the PDF of that session page.








These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:


 “Breathe Deep”  - The Lost Dogs
“Broken Ladders to Glory” – Terry Taylor
“Glorious Dregs” – The Swirling Eddies
“Art Carney’s Dream” – The Swirling Eddies


For the Birds
School Ties

Nurturing Faith




Compelled To Tell

Session 4.18 for April 29, 2012

Our Scripture for today, Acts 4:1-12, begins with Peter and John being arrested for preaching about Jesus. When questioned by officials, Peter stands his ground and once again proclaims the power of Christ. In this story, Peter gives testimony to what he has seen, heard, and experienced. This testimony comes at a price; yet Peter understands that this story must be shared no matter the cost. The price that we would pay for being so bold would be much less – maybe some embarrassment, some argumentative comments – but in our situations, most of us would not be arrested or harmed for preaching the power of Christ. Yet, we are still reluctant to tell the story that we say is the most important story of all.


Bible Background Video

featuring Nikki Hardeman

To toggle between the hi-def and standard-def versions, click the "HD" on the video.

FaithElement Bible Background 4.18 from FaithElement | FaithLab on Vimeo.



Scripture: Acts 4:1-12


Session Pages

FaithElement offers several flavors of Bible study, all based on the same scripture passage for the day. Click on an approach to download the PDF of that session page.








These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:


“I Had A Bad Experience With The CIA.” – The Swirling Eddies
“Big House” – The Swirling Eddies
“Strange Days” - The Swirling Eddies
“Hold Back the Wind, Donna” – The Swirling Eddies


Spoken Word


 “The Greatest Story” by Avalon

Nurturing Faith


Power In the Story

Session 4.17 for April 22, 2012

In Acts 3 we read a story about Peter and John healing a man in the temple. Jesus’ power allowed the lame man to stand up and walk. That is certainly worth talking about! Peter is bold enough to begin preaching about Jesus to the crowds in the temple who had recently supported Jesus’ crucifixion. In our world today, we may not notice many miracles. Likewise, don’t exactly proclaim Christ from the rooftops. In the afterglow of our Easter Sundays, we may have overlooked the most poignant part of the Easter story. Christ was not crucified and resurrected just so we could be awed. Christ’s death and resurrection is meant to transform us!



Bible Background Video

featuring Nikki Hardeman

To toggle between the hi-def and standard-def versions, click the "HD" on the video.

Scripture: Acts 3


Session Pages

FaithElement offers several flavors of Bible study, all based on the same scripture passage for the day. Click on an approach to download the PDF of that session page.








These videos or songs are referenced in the session pages:


“Forgiven” – Sanctus Real
“Great is The Lord” – Michael W. Smith
“The Call” – Ken Medema
“God’s Own Fool” – Michael Card



Jeremy Lin
Cannot Be Silent
Penn Gets a Bible


Nurturing Faith
